Poznik technologies are looking for answers to the most complex questions!
Many different studies performed by Slovene and foreign scientists have shown that Vili Poznik's products are truly effective.
Colleagues Through Time
Many different studies performed by Slovene and foreign scientists have shown that Vili Poznik's products are truly effective.

Dr. Peter Bukovec is a retired professor of chemistry. He has been working with complementary therapeutic methods for more than twenty years. He is interested mainly in the possibilities of proving the effects of these methods as well as explaining their effects.To master this field, he has been schooled for performing various complementary therapeutic methods. Among others, he finished the three-year school for biotherapy with Marjan Ogorevec. For the last eight years he has been intensively working with GDV (Gas Discharge Visualisation) camera measurements or the Kirilian camera, with which we can measure a person’s biofield and the energy states of different media like water and air. In the last years he has been focusing on unresolved questions involving water about which he and his colleagues published several articles in respected international publications listed below. The results of this contribution agree with the claims of the leading authority on water science, Professor Gerald Pollack from the Washington University, published in his book The Fourth Phase of Water in 2013. In the book he lists a multitude of experimental data proving the existence of the fourth phase of water. The results represent a radically novel approach of looking at the structure of water and its role in biology.
A Doctor of Biological Sciences, he works at the Institute for Microbiology and Immunology of the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana. His research is done mostly in the fields of microbiology, virology and biotechnology. He performed important research work as the Slovenian Research Program convener and increased the cooperation between countries on international projects i.e. together with the French, Hungarian, Austrian, Croatian researchers, etc. He is focusing on different research subjects such as tissue cultures, interferons, viruses, bee products and unconventional energies. In the latter field he is also a thorough and competent researcher of the Poznik Information Technologies. He has tried and tested the informed Poznik plates and cards and he has confirmed that their use shows an increased rate of CaCo-2 and Hela cell inhibition. He has also proved an influence on the tumorigenesis index in vitro, as there is increased cell growth at lower concentrations of calcium. His research has confirmed that the use of Poznik Information Technologies increases the percentage of apoptosis of CaCo-2 and Hela cells as well as increases the NO values. This research confirms that we are on the right track and that the world of unconventional energies provides a good basis for further studies. With this cooperation, Dr. Bratko Filipič shows a high degree of professionalism and an ability to overcome the existing hurdles in the search for ever more perfect answers to the key processes of life.

Prof. Dr. Zmago Turk is the retired Head of the Institute for Physical Medicine and Professor Emeritus of the University of Maribor. He remains the head of the Department for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in the University of Maribor, where he gives lectures in several subjects (rehabilitation, medicine and sport, gerontology) and is involved in many study programs of Faculty of Medical Care and the Faculty of Education. His academic opus exceeds a thousand publications. As a specialist of physical medicine and rheumatology he has always searched for new approaches in rehabilitation and relieving pain with the methods of physical medicine. He first learned acupuncture and traditional medicine methods in Beijing. Later he added manual medicine in Prague. Together with chief physician Dr. Barovič he founded the so called Maribor School of Magnotherapy, where he met Vili Poznik from Celje and became enthused with his ideas about alternative methods of diagnostics and healing. The research team led by himself and Prof. Dr. Fisher from the Faculty of Medicine in Graz started its path with the research of Vili Poznik’s findings and ideas. They researched and published scientific articles in domestic and foreign journals and taken part in expositions at home and abroad. They introduced Poznik’s ideas to medical professionals who were often skeptical. They figured that alternative and complementary methods should be accepted into critical use and verify the positive and potential harmful effects of some other methods. Vili Poznik always accepted criticism with respect and sought new collaborators from others fields like chemists, physicists, biologists and other experts who helped his team on specific projects. Especially interesting were his ideas about informed water and the changes of cell structure and membrane under the influence of bio information. We are talking about elementary research that could potentially influence both the development of diseases and treating diseases themselves. His door was always open to all colleagues who came with good intentions. The idea about forming the Society for Integrative Medicine of Slovenia was formed here. Prof. Turk became the president and a member of the European Board for Integrative Medicine at the Charitee clinic in Berlin. The Society seeks to found a medical Association with a professional leadership that could be a link to the government and medical societies. Healers should be responsible for their procedures so it is imperative that professional control is established and misuses that harm patient are prevented. Vili Poznik and his team are actively taking part in the establishment of this Association. Prof. Turk is a member of the European Academy of Science and Art in Salzburg where he is introducing Vili Poznik’s ideas with professional caution, because Vili’s visionary and environmental beliefs are far ahead of its time.
B. Sc. Peter Firbas performs the Allium or onion tests for risks of environmental factors like drinking water for living organisms from his private Laborator for Plant Cytogenetics. The cytogenetic part of the onion test has shown that with informed water and energy plate, the genotoxicity of water is reduced. There is significantly less damage to the chromosomes. “The quality of water has improved in the informed glass. Even the tests of energy windows have shown that the genotoxicity of water in a room with these energy windows installed is significantly reduced. Because of the universality of the genetic code of living organisms, the results of the Allium tests can be applied to people as well.” He adds, “a person is of course not an onion, but on the cellular level and especially the level of the cellular nucleus there is no difference between a man and an onion, because the biochemical elements of the chromosomes in a human and an onion are the same. Cells continue to mutate, but an effective immune system can destroy them. The worse our immune system performs, the greater the chance of malign tissue creation. This is why it is important that we drink water of the highest quality.”

Jože Vetrovec, the editor of the Misteriji (Mysteries) journal, has been working with Vili Poznik for over two and a half decades with all his products. As he said, for him the most important thing is that their work is proven and confirmed. “Herein lies the crucial role of our cooperation, because I have never trusted his radiesthesic measurements alone (even though they always appear to be true). To be able to write about his products, I needed scientific confirmation and proof. There were a lot of problems here, because it happened that renowned experts confirmed Poznik’s effects but they banned the publishing of the results so as not to look crazy in front of the scientific community.
He has long assisted and cooperated with Poznik Medical Equipment– Poznik d.o.o. in solving problems and idea solutions with technical dilemmas, fine-tuning and combining different viewpoints of science. It is important not to have a negative attitude towards results acquired with unconventional approaches. Most of these methods have no risk involved, but have the potential to add their share in everyday solutions for helping patients. It’s hard to find even the basic research because we are too small – bigger fish are too involved in the financial potential of these results. The biggest chance for application is in the therapeutic sense – the pulsating electromagnetic fields of low frequencies and in the preventive sense, the possibility of positive informing, especially that of water. It is important to enable the circulation of even this kind of information and allow each position “for” and “against it” to have its chance to be tested in the wider professional community.

They are the owners and founders of one of the first private veterinary clinics in Slovenia! They took part in the testing of Poznik’s products and technologies: Elmag, Hydronic and XX-YY. We founded our veterinary clinic back in 1996. Complementary veterinary medicine has been present from the very beginning. We combine classical methods with alternative ones like bioresonance, homeopathy, biotherapy, essens and prana. We have been cooperating with Vili Poznik since the beginning and he has been a great influence on our work with alternative therapy methods. He is an amazing person and inventor. In testing the Hydronic technology, where we cooperated for several years, it was found that even in intensive pig farming, where there is almost no chance of profit without antibiotics and biostimulators, we can ensure healthy pigs weighing the same or even more than with classical farming. Tests with milk cows that had trouble with their udders have also been very promising. Their health has improved even without antibiotics. Because of this we’re always glad to see Vili’s new inventions. We know that he will be able to help a lot of people.
The Doctor of Physics and Psychology Dr. Yuri Yatsko has been working with Vili Poznik for ten years now and he has found that Vili’s innovative approach is admirable. He has been working independently and developing his knowledge for many years, he creates innovations and trademarks and he strengthens the image of Slovenia abroad. “The things Poznik does are not magic. It is a young scientific field emerging fifteen years ago, but is continually developing into a trend,” says Dr. Yatsko. “With information technology we are able to change matter (e.g. water, air, etc.) so that it effects positive change on our wellbeing, emotions and health. With informing it is possible to neutralise the negative radiation and information pollution which can’t be controlled yet, unlike chemical pollution for example. Negative effects come from mobile phones, because their radiation, which works on fine levels, harms the genetic structure. Only time can show the long-term effects of this radiation. Also harmful is the radiation produced with scanning barcodes. Research has shown that the information sent to the product with the scanner has dangerous effects, because it changes the nature of the product. Not a lot is being said about information pollution but a lot of research is already taking place in the highest academic institutions. We will have to wait a long time for their findings.” In the end he adds that more and more countries focus on information technology and are trying to use it in practice, because it offers more effective and cheaper solutions for many modern problems that can only grow larger in the future. Problems like the quality of our environment, water, air and even preventing hail and droughts.

The first person who had the courage to publicly unveil his findings was Dr. Igor Kononenko. Tests performed on cells prove beyond doubt how we can significantly reduce risk of disease with even the most simple of Poznik’s products. People who take care of their own health and don’t only wait for their fill of prescription pills know what it means to prevent or at least reduce the harmful effects coming from the environment: the ever-increasing information pollution. Headaches, malaise, bad mood, excessive worrying, weakness of mind and body and many inexplicable symptoms are our companions every day and the least we can do is prevent and lessen the harmful effects. Sadly, most information we encounter in everyday life demolish the molecular system of water in our bodies. Poznik’s products, roughly said, restore this very balance.
The physiologist and pharmacologist Prof. Dr. Sci. Boris Laptev worked with Poznik in several researchs. His company Nove tehnologije (New Technologies) tested the effects of the protective USB key with radiation from the computer and on the energy plates installed in windows. They performed numerous tests: physical-chemical testing (the influence on the structure of water, growth and crystal formation), biological testing (influence on seeds), non-linear frequency diagnostics Metatron with which they tested the influence of health, and Voll diagnostics for the influence on energy levels. He said that the results confirm positive effects of both the energy plates as well as the USB key. Voll diagnostic measurements have shown after one hour of computer use, that the chosen parameters (organ function, blood pressure, pulse, outer husk of the bioenergy field, meridians) are more in sync and the tension of the organism decreased.

The influence of Vili Poznik’s products has been tested along with several colleagues by the chemist Dr. Adolf Može. He used GDV-electrography (Gas Discahrge Visualisation), better known as the Kirilian Camera and the photonic camera of Slovenian design. “With all Poznik’s products positive effects on the human organism were observed. Even the tests performed on water with both methods have shown the improvement of its quality and thus a beneficial effect on the human organism.” As Dr. Može told us, he decided to cooperate with Vili Poznik mainly because of his own interest in the progress of science and technology. “Especially interesting is the fact that the explanation of the function of these products reaches the very boundaries of science. This is why along with testing we are also searching for appropriate explanations for these measured results. Products and devices invented and made by Vili Poznik present a completely new use of information technology for practical use. I myself use many of his products, like the protective USB key, informed glasses and more.”
Experts, medical doctors and the scientific community we have worked with over the years:
- Univ. prof.dr. Bukovec Peter
- Dr.sci. Medved Lojze
- Prim. Dr. Barovič Jože
- Dr. Lipovec Karli
- Dr. Kokovnik Jože
- Ass.mag. dr. Hruševar Marjan
- Dr. Kokovnik Polona
- Dr. Demšar Aleš
- Dr.Lovšin Matjaž
- Prim.Dr. Spevak Milica Klopčič
- Prim.Dr. Kosanovič Miloš
- Prof.Dr. Herman Srečko
- Prim Dr. Šubic
- Dr. Romanovič Kosta
- Dr. Perkovič Rajko
- Prim. Dr. Hrušovar Nina
- Prof.Dr. Kobe Spomenka
- Dr. Marn Jure
- Advokat Živko Mijatović
- Dr. Rožič Marjan
- Mag. Kovač Zdenka
- Likar Peter
- Prof.Dr. Likar Borut
- Prof.Dr. Stanič Uroš
- Dr.Garnie Fritz
- Dr. Rihard Weigestorfer
- Dr.Silvia Breves
- Dr.Arno Breves
- Dr.Heustadler Viktor
- Dr.Radu Cosmin
- Akademik prof. dr. Škokljev Antonije
- Dr. Čokorilo Slavko
- Dr. Radovanovič Mihajlo
- Dr. Troter Radovan
- Dr. Ivanovski Andrej
- Dr. Badovinac Olgica
- Ass.mag.sci.Bizjak Igor, dr.med.
- Prof.dr.Tovornik Boris, dipl.ing.
- Dr.Bratuš Dejan, dr.med
- Dr.Stanonik Jana, dr.med.
- Dr. Šolar Drago
- Univ.dipl.Ing. Firbas Peter
- Dr. Bašič Snežana
- Dr. prof. Kononenko Igor
- Dr.Zrimec Tatjana
- Dr. Bizjak Igor
- Prim.dr. Majić Tomislav, dr.med.
- Dr. Dimovski Vlado
- Dr.sci. Stojkovski Kiro, dr.med
- Dr. Škorjanc Miran
- Dr. Menart Tomislav
- Dr. Čosevski Trajan
- Dr. Vidic Vladimir
- Lakovič Branka Dipl. ing. medic.
- Dr. sci. Stojkovski Radmila, dr.med.
- Akademik prof. Dr. Turk Zmago
- Prim.Dr. Vengust Vili
- Prim.Dr. Demšar Marko
- Dr. Silič Bojana
- Dr. Flis Ivica
- Prof. dr. Drinovec Jože
- Doc. dr. Drnovšek Roman
- Dr. Vidovič Sonja Rauter
- Dr. Mikulič Rudi
- Dipl.Ing. Pavkov Dragoljub
- Mag. Šnajdar Davorin dipl. ing
- Dipl.Ing. Lah željko
- Prof. Konforta Darko
- Dr Lipovšek Peter
- Dr. Hudej Suzana
- Dr. Veljanovič Lepa
- Dr. Malc Mirana
- Dr. Katič Branislav
- Prim.Dr, Tasič Janez
- Dr. Goljevac Ljubomir dipl.ing.
- Dr Pišev Koviljka
- Prim.Dr. Lipovec Karel
- Dr. Magajna Vlado
- Dr Zajelšnik Alenka
- Dr. Đomba Slavenko
- Prof. Valežić Bosiljka
- Dr. Oleg Mihalachi
- Dr. Galina Yatsko Mihalachi
- Dr.Yuri Yatsko, dr.psihologije in fizike
- Psih. Ferlež Zdenka
- Nabergoj Marko, dr.vet.med.
- Nabergoj Smilja,dr.vet.med.
- Debeljak Simona, dr.med.vet.
- Prof. dr. Drinovec Jože
- Dr. Čater Emil
- Dr. Čelan Dušan
- Dr. Lonzarič Dragan
- Univ.dipl.ing. Boršič Milan
- Mag.dr.Kolenc Alojzij
- Doc.prim.dr.sci.Tetičkovič Erih
- Mag. Jaglenka Leban Markulj
- Pri.mag.Dr. Mežnar Brane
- Dr. Krelj Živan
- Dr. Filipič Bratko
- Dr. Halapija Željko
- Dr. Bagar Majda, dipl. ing.
- Mag. Tomazin Evgen
- Dr. Eržen Ivan
- Dr. Pirc
- Akademik univ. prof. Vodovnik Lojze
- Univ. prof dr. Jeglič Tone
- Dr Bratanič Jasna
- Mag. Dr. Papuga Peter
- Dr. Eigner Ditmer
- Dr. Egger
- Prim.Dr. Deže Sep
- Prof. Dr. Ing. Kuzmanovič Branislav
- Dr. Grbačič Zlatko
- Dr. Lazarev Nikolaj
- Dr. Mudinič Tugomira
- Dr. Obadič Stanka
- Dr. Kružič Nives
- Dipl.Ing. Goljevac Ljubomir
- Dr. Hafner Mateja spec.klin.psih.
- Dr. Zatezalo Radovan
- Dr Rome Nina
- Wagner Majda, mag.farm.
- Dr. Jamnik Polona
- Radovan Hrast
- Grosek Lili, mag.farm.
- Dr. Može Adolf
- Dr. Blažeka Željko
- Dr. Prof. Laptev Boris
- Dr. Kobal Brane, biofizik
- Dr. Doplihar Aleksander, dr.med.
- Prof.Dr. Radonjič Dušan
- Dr. Jordan Romana, jedrski fizik
- Krajnc Antonija,oec. Feng-shui ekspert
- Dipl. Ing. Arhitekture Milan Karlin
- Mag.Alenka KocuvanPolutnik
- Miran Polutnik, univ.dipl.ing.arh
- Grega Žohar, univ.dipl.inž.arh.
- Slavica Žohar
- Mag.Ulaga Mirko
- Dušan Debenak, univ.dipl.ing.gozdarstva
- Vogrinčič Karel,univ.dipl.ing
- Janko Zupanek, ing.
- Vetrovec Jože, novinar, publicist
- Zagoričnik Brane,ing.
- Dr. Demšar Peter
- Dr. Komac Miloš
- Dr. Žohar Čretnik Tjaša
- Dr. Štorman Alenka
- Mag. farm. Hus Lorena
- Mag.farm. Hus Dušan
- Dr. Bavec
- Dr. Praznik Igor
- Dipl.Ing. Kovač Tine
- Dipl.Ing. Gajšek Jože
- Dr. prof. Stefančič Martin
- Dr. Pilih Rado
- Prof. Dr Srakar Franc
- Dr. Manić
- Doc. Dr. Nada Pekarič Nađ
- Univ. prof. dr. Fischer Gerald
- Univ.prof.dr.Kobinger
- Univ.prof. Dr. Kokoschinegg Peter
- Dr.Kokoschinegg Margareta
- Dipl. psih. Mehner Axel
- Univ.prof.dr. Sadikov Aleksander
- Dr. Johanson
- Dr. Joop
- Dr. Heinz Steinfeld
- Dr. Krivec
- Dr. Ocvirk Marija
- Dr. prof. Dunjič Mojmir
- Dr. prof. Jerman Igor
- Dr. prof. Novak Peter
- Dr. Smaka Vesna,univ.dipl.ing.
- Dr. Smodej Svitlana Kaban
- Dr. Slobodan Došič
- Univ. prof. dr. Hartl Helmut
- Akad.prof.Dr. Šegina Mirko, virulog
- Dr. Žagar Erika
- Doc.Prof.dr. Bur Igor, dr.med.
- Senič Danilo, univ.dipl.inž.grad.
- Kolenc Slavko, biodinamika
- Rotar Irena, EKOCI
- Šček Marko, kolavdator
- Pliberšek Franci, univ.dipl.dia
- Požin Tomaž
- Humar Tomaž, alpinist in inovator
- Strel Martin, ekstremni plavalec
- Penič Avguštin, prof.glasbe
- Bezbradica Robert, novinar
- Dr.Marinella Vusheva
- Dr.Constantin Erena, kardiolog
Therapists and other individuals with whom we have worked and still working:
- Domančić Zdenko
- Kavšek Drago
- Klemen Samo
- Šepat Štef
- Škraba Slavica
- Majcen Karli
- Bunčić Ratko
- Sorič Danko
- Sajovic Mojca
- Naomi Feinberg
- Mini Heinn
Institutions we work with:
- Univerzitetna klinika Ljubljana
- Univerzitetna klinika Beograd
- Vojna bolnica Zagreb
- Vojno-medicinska akademija Beograd
- Zavod za preventivno medicinsko zaščito Zagreb
- Splošna bolnica Maribor – UKC MB
- Zdravstveni center Celje
- Medicinska fakulteta Novi Sad
- Inštitut za kakovost in metrologijo Ljubljana
- Hygiene institut der Universitat Graz
- Institut fur biophysik und strahlung Hendorf – Salzburg
- Terme talasoterapija Portorož
- Nasadi datljevih palm
- Biopolym alge
- Lekarne Celje – čaji
- Pivovarna Tara
- Radenska
- Špiler Robi
- Radenska Naturella
- Pivovarna Laško
- Situlanova Ljubljana
- Lendero Saša Ljubljana
- Nemško vojno letalstvo-megabrain aparati za optično-akustično stimulacijo možganov
- Nasa-ZDA-megabrain aparati za optično-akustično stimulacijo možganov
- CON ART – jezikovni tečaji, brain machine
- SARASVATI – jezikovni tečaji, brain machine
- MEDICOTOUR – jezikovni tečaji, brain machine
- FAKULTETA ZA ŠPORT, Brain machine
- Atomske toplice Podčetrtek
- Inštitut Rudi Čajevec
- Institut Ruđer Boškovič
- Inštitut za celulozo in papir – dr.Adolf Može
- Inštitut za trajnostni razvoj – Prof.dr.Peter Bukovec
- Raziskave v rastlinski aplikativni citogenetiki – univ.dipl.biol. Peter Firbas
- Medicinska fakulteta – mikrobiologija –dr.Filipič Bratko
- Nove tehnologije - Prof. dr. sci. Boris Laptev
- Univerza za računalništvo in informatiko Ljubljana - dr. prof. Igor Kononenko
- Hmeljarski inštitut
- Projekt »varoja« - za čebelarje - CD
- Projekt glasba za posameznika - CD posneto + slika + informacije
- Estee Lauder - hydronik vitalizator, informirani kozarci
- Novo Nordisk- informirani kozarci
- Farmadent- informirani kozarci
- Vse-Moč – informirani izdelki
- Britta filtri
- Marina ART- ročno izdelani leseni okvirji za slike; informiranje
- Marines Celje
- MIK Celje (okna)
- Strel Martin
- Oparenovič Ana - tenis
- MERKUR – katalogi, rastline
- Faire Vivant Clinic-ZDA
- Rafael - knjige
- projekt zvonovi -Šček
- Katy McGovern-ZDA
- Novak Vlado, dramski igralec
- Raziskovalna enota Radenska Radenci
- Zdravilišče Dobrna
- Fakulteta za matematiko – UN v Ljubljani
- Bolnica MB – Impulse-sol
- Inštitut Jožef Stefan
- Peter von Berg – Nemčija
- SCUDO – Italija
- EXIM- Nemčija
- TELDON – Kanada
- Friends & Family, Dr. Garnie
- Revija Misteriji
- Revija VIVA
- Revija AURA
- Chemline - informiranje
- Rodas
- Lava medicus
- Bio Park NIVO
- Voda MAJA
- Voda Rogla
- Terme Zreče
- Blazine Kovač
- Kondi Pižorn, dramski igralec
- ČVAN Peter – jabolčnik Grčin
- Joe Rain – Bronz models
- Dr. Edo Belca
- Neil & Thelma Bevan - UK
- Mohorič Ivan, publicist
- Mernik Zreče – ribniki
- Kozmetika Omerza Saša – Ljubljana
- Akademija Forum – Pollak-Konforta – Zagreb
- Arcus-Gaby sport – Ljubljana
- Cosmanova – Portorož
- Elmag - Švedska
- Gorenje Velenje – raziskovalna enota - za Ekomag
- Mlekarna Celeia
- Pekarna DEVETA VAS
- Privatne farme (piščanci, prašiči, konji, noji, zelenjava, sadje,)
- Ribniki Maribor
- Prinčevo jezero, Jedda Saudska Arabija
- Nasadi (Panvita – zelenjava; jagode)
- Nasadi jabolk Cesarica – delno
- Kopališče Rimske toplice
- Park Zdravilišče Rimske toplice – sekvoje
- iGLASS – informirane steklenice za vodo
- Mizarstvo ZUPAN – Feng -Shui postelje
- PARON Laško
- TaMi - Celje
- Trgovine TUŠ
- Tuš Andraž – energetske ploščice
- Univerza za integralno medicino – postavitev, koncept!!!
- Studio MODERNA
- INFINUM Rusija
- REFLEX – tuš kabina Rimske terme
- APIT Vogrinčič
- Cekuta Jure – slike
- Maria Scintilla – Portorož
- CDM Kozmetik - Reka
- ELIXIR Zagreb – Jurič, prva restavracija s surovo hrano